Welcome to Maheshwari Samaj!
This platform serves as a vital hub for communication among Maheshwaris. With a range of features, it facilitates interaction and connection within the community.
Welcome to the SMART Online Directory!
Sign in to access a wealth of information. Maheshwari bandhus can easily search for marriage-age candidates based on specific criteria such as profession, age, city, and more. This streamlined process enhances the matchmaking experience within the community.
Welcome to Online Parichay Sammelan!
This platform empowers marriage-age youths to showcase themselves through videos, photos, and detailed profiles, including their expectations and essential information. Additionally, users can provide information about their close relatives, facilitating a comprehensive matchmaking experience within the community.
How to use the site
To utilize the site effectively, simply navigate to the "Janganana" menu and click on your desired city to view its statistics. Explore data for cities like Nagpur, Bhandara, Gondia, Malegaon, and Washim, enabling a deeper understanding of community demographics and dynamics.